Sungmoon Joo

Principal Researcher

Nuclear and Extreme Robotics Team

Nuclear Safety and Base Technology Lab.

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute


989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu

Daejeon, 34057, Republic of Korea


Short Biography

I'm a principal researcher of Korea Atomic Energy Research Insitute(KAERI). Before joining KAERI, I worked for the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology as a research scientist II, and was a principal research engineer at Samsung Heavy Industry. I earned my Ph.D. from Stanford University. My Ph.D. thesis work was about the stochastic nonlinear optimal control and estimation, applied to the monocular SLAM-based navigation and control. My research interests are in robotics, including task/motion planning, human-robot interaction/learning-based robot control, teleoperation, guidance/navigation and controls of mobile robot platforms, state estimation, and physics simulation.


  1. Bullet Nuclear Science and Engineering paper("Toward Robotic Nuclear Decommissioning: Deep Learning-based Object Classification and Pose Estimation from Partial View Scans") accepted. [NEW]

  2. Bullet Nuclear Engineering and Technology paper("Calibration of Digital Wide Range Neutron Power Measurement Channel for Open-Pool Type Research Reactor") accepted.

  3. Bullet Journal of Field Robotics paper("A General-purpose System for Teleoperation of the DRC-HUBO Humanoid Robot") accepted.

  4. Bullet IROS 2015 workshop proposal accepted. I'll be co-organizing a workshop with Dr. Youngmoo Kim(main organizer), Dr. Dennis Hong, Dr. Paul Oh and Dr. Stephan Schaal.

  5. Bullet Humanoids 2014 paper("Planning Heavy Lifts for Humanoid Robots") presented on Nov. 20th.

  6. Bullet IROS 2014 Workshop paper("A Unifying Linguistic Formalism for Teleoperation of Semi-Autonomous Robots") presented.

  7. Bullet I taught CS4649/7649 Robot Intelligence: Planning in the fall semester 2014.